3 Tips To Help Make Your Bird More Social

Birds can make great companions. These animals are intelligent and often have a strong desire to form bonds with their owners. Unfortunately, some birds will develop anti-social behaviors that can present unique challenges for their owners.

If your bird isn't as friendly as you would like him or her to be, here are three tips that you can use to help make your bird more social in the future.

1. Invest in a health checkup.

If your bird's behavior suddenly starts to change, this could be an indication that he or she is suffering from some sort of health problem. A bird that used to be friendly but starts to display anti-social behaviors should be taken to the vet for a checkup.

Your vet will be able to determine if any underlying illnesses are causing your bird to alter his or her personality. Treating these illnesses should restore your bird's friendly behavior in the future.

2. Help your bird learn a new trick.

If health issues aren't to blame for your birds lack of friendliness, then your pet may just need you to spend more time with him or her. Teaching your bird a new trick can be a great way to promote social behavior.

Since it takes time and effort to teach your bird to bob his or her head or to fly through a ring, the act of teaching your bird a trick will promote quality time spent together. This increase in time and attention could be just what your bird needs to come out of his or her shell and become more friendly.

3. Share some food with your bird.

In the wild, birds within the same flock will commonly share food with one another. When you are trying to make your bird more social, you want him or her to see you as a flock mate. Take the time to prepare a meal of fresh fruit and veggies that you know your bird enjoys.

Sit down with your bird and share the foods together. This act of eating with one another will promote bonding and help your anti-social bird become more friendly toward you in the future.

Living with an anti-social bird can be problematic. Help your bird come out of his or her shell by ensuring health problems aren't causing the attitude, teaching your bird a new trick, and sharing a meal with your bird. For more information and help with pet care, contact a veterinary clinic, such as Spring Hill Veterinary Clinic.
